The Luggage of Douchebags

Do you wish that your life was a reality show? Does watching UFC fights with friends sound like an awesome and sexually confusing  Saturday night? Wish to travel the world like celebrities Jon Gosselin and Rob Kardashian? Well you can do both!

It’s not enough to merely fake the ballin’ lifestyle by drinking the water or wine of gods. It is not even enough to transport you and yours in luxurious car seat covers or house your computer in delicate laptop cases. No, your bitchin’ derriere has the need to go international or even national, and damn it, you want to show off. And what better way to alert foreign natives of your cosmopolitan tastes with luggage that sums up your essence? Time to show that shit off, playboy!

Ed Hardy luggage is perfect for the traveler that likes to notify TSA to bring out the drug-sniffing dogs. It includes enough space to hold all of your Ed Hardy shirts, pre-club shirts, bronzer, coke mirrors and Valtrex for partyin’ and smooshin’! The durable cloth exterior makes cleaning off alcohol- and bodily fluid-drenched vomit with ease! And if you want to bring back souvenirs from your probation-violating misadventures, the bag expands to stuff enough Mexican steroids to sterilize a rhino.

Ed Hardy luggage: for the greasy,  winning dickbag that wants to see the world in all its swarthiness!

7 thoughts on “The Luggage of Douchebags

  1. hey there.. could you please tell me where I could buy this luggage set? all online stores are out of stock.. many thanks for your help


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